Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Paint my little rain drops!!!!

Paint my little rain drops red, yellow and green.
Paint my little rain drops oh! You traffic mean.

Even though the weather and traffic has acted so mean.
The clouds above have given me little rain drops on my helmet screen.

I am amused by the way they change their colour.
Sometimes taillight red or sometimes yellow headlight dipper.

I twist my head from side to side
Trying to colour all my rain drops in one colour, sigh!

But when the left ones are red, the right ones suddenly go yellow,
The traffic on the opposite lane, cops has allowed them to go

And then the lower drops suddenly go green.
Along with the traffic light, making them seem jealous and mean.

I don’t disturb these rain drops, no not one of them.
Others are all wiping their helmets and erasing them.

As I stand here in a jam drenched to the bone.
I fight away my boredom by making this stupid song.

Paint my little rain drops red, yellow and green.

Paint my little rain drops oh! You traffic mean.